
- 110秋-Thought-provoking TED talks

講師 Joshua 賈士華
時段 晚上班
課程目標 The course aims at improving English comprehension and the ability to express in English opinions and ideas related to various topics. 該課程旨在提高英語理解能力以及表達與英語相關各種主題的觀點和想法的能力。
學員條件 對課程有興趣之學員皆可報名
評量方式 Attendance 50%、class discussion 30%、Participation 30%
堂數 主題/課程內容
第1堂 Education
“Do schools kill creativity?”
第2堂 Playfulness and creativity
“Tales of creativity and play”
第3堂 Transcending bias
“The danger of the single story”
第4堂 Determination to fulfill dreams despite all odds
“A broken body isn’t a broken person”
第5堂 Sustainable development
“Want to help someone? Shut up and listen”
第6堂 Divergent visions of mental/spiritual conditions
“Psychosis or spiritual awakening”
第7堂 Re-envisioning the concept of genius
“Your elusive creative genius”
第8堂 Food
“How I fell in love with a fish”
第9堂 Sustainable fisheries management
“Save the ocean, feed the world”
第10堂 Following one’s heart
“How to live before you die”
第11堂 The rewards of vulnerability
“The power of vulnerability”
第12堂 Using computers for interactive-centered learning
“How to build a school in the cloud”
第13堂 Coral reefs
“How we’re growing baby corals to rebuild reefs”
第14堂 The gift of wilderness
“For more wonder, rewild the world”
第15堂 Mothering impact on DNA
“How early life experience is written into the DNA”
第16堂 How funguses can clean polluted soil, make insecticides and treat smallpox and flu viruses
“6 ways mushrooms can save the world”
第17堂 Changing perceptions
“How to make stress your friend’
第18堂 Pursuing one’s dreams
“Why I’m rowing across the Pacific”
材料費小計(元/人) 0
備註 Wednesdays 19:00-21:00


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